Friday, September 5, 2008

"Women! How To Bring Back An Ex Who Is Cheating On You?"

You have recently found out that the man you love is cheating on you. The word cheating doesn’t always mean the act of having sex, but it could be a dependency on seeing another woman, the need to hear her voice, a need to please her. So, you have caught him in the act of cheating on you, and now you want to bring him back into your life. Can you really learn to forgive him for straying from your heart? This is a tough question only few women are going to be able to answer truthfully.

You can bring back the man who is cheating on you, no matter how far the cheating has went, and no matter how bad the hurt is really inside your heart. The trick to bringing back a man is to think back to a point in your life together, that will show you what he loves the most. Does he have to be babied all the time? Does he want supper on the table at a certain hour?

Does your ex feel that he should be making the money in the home? On the other hand, perhaps you have always given your complete attention to this man? While you want to bring back the man you love, and change his ways there are a few things you will have to change as well to bring him back and keep him. You can be sneaky or just outright changed, but it will depend on how much you want this man back in your life.

What Should You Do To Keep The Relationship?

You can be sneaky about the attack. If you feel certain you love this man, and you want him back find out where he will be and when he will be there as often as you can. Make it a point to be in the same places, and at the same parties. Get your hair done, your nails done, and be fun loving self. Talk to everyone in the room but him the entire night so he feels your presence but not your attention. As you are getting ready to leave for the night, be sure to say hello, and nothing more to your ex, but it is important to do it with a smile.

After a few ‘run ins’ like this on several different occasions you are going to be on his mind all the time which will lead him to want you more and more, until he calls you. The only way this sneaky method is going to work is if you are able to act as if nothing bothers you, avoid the fact he cheating, don’t talk about it with others in the room and more importantly don’t embarrass either of you by saying anything in public. Build his awareness of your creative sexiness, and availability without giving him the satisfaction of seeing you mope around. Be fun, loving, and sexy with every one in the room, as you make him notice you are a woman who can get by without him. Most men feel the urge to be in a woman’s life when they realize they are not needed, as strange as it may seem.

How Do You Decide It is Time To Leave The Relationship

The pain you feel every time you see your ex, no matter how much you love him is going to help you determine if it is time to leave him. If you feel you, need him back only because he left you, or that because his heart is not following yours own, it could be time to leave the cheater behind?

The pain you feel because you love a person, unconditionally is different from the pain you feel because you have been ‘dissed’. How can you tell the difference? If you feel angry because he is cheating, you are not truly missing him. If you want to hurt him, you are not truly in love with him. If you miss how he holds you, talks with you, or you miss how you spend time together just being together; you miss him and should think about taking the cheater back.

Should You Give Him A Chance?

The decision to let him go is going to be one that is difficult to make, but you can make it on your own. The feelings of anger, and embarrassment are going to be two feelings that are difficult to overcome. These feelings are going to put a roadblock in the relationship forever, as you can never rebuild the trust while these feelings are present. If you can’t get passed the anger, and the feeling of abandonment, you should leave him where he is with someone else. If you feel confident in yourself, and in your abilities to get by without the man, but you miss him in your life you should try to get him back.

The only real reason to give a man, who has cheated on you in some or in any manner, is going to be based on the fact of love, and not a need. If you need him to care for the children, if you need him to pay the bills, or if you need him for other materialistic things, you should leave him be, no matter how hard it is. If you want the man in your life, just because of the love, you have shared, and the memories you have built together, you should track him down and make him yours again.

Being together, as a couple for love no matter what else, is reason enough to track the man down and give him another chance – but overall you are going to have to sit back and do some serious thinking about the relationship before taking that leap. Find the difference between the need and the want and you will be able to confront yourself, making a solid choice for your life and the cheating man.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can Long Distance Relationship Work?

When it comes to making a long distance relationship work there are several things that you should do and that you should not do. There are a lot of

things that you need to do to make it work, but there some things that just make it hard. It’s hard to have a long distance relationship because you

never know what they do in their spare time. They can’t always be on the phone with you and they can’t always be using their spare time focusing on

you. So what are they doing? That’s the number one question and reason why most long distance relationships don’t work. For you to have a long distance relationship you have to be secure in the relationship and with yourself. You also have to make time for visits so that you can make the relationship keep going. For a relationship to work the couple has to be able to see and talk to each other. You also need to put time aside so that you can hold each other and spend real time with each other not through a videoconference.

As for some of the things that you can do, you need to be able to make a good communication channel. The reasons why so many long distance

relationships fail is because they don’t have the ability to communicate with each other on a daily basis. Like you may think that the telephone or cell

phone is good enough, but as soon as they start missing your calls because they might be at work or at the store you begin to think they are doing

something wrong. However, you need to mix your channels.

You need to use things like the phone, instant messengers, emails, videoconference, and even the mail. Send them special messages, packages, keep

all the romance going. There are many other things that you need to do, but communication is the most important. If you ever have any doubts or are

tempted by another, then be open. Make sure that the other person knows exactly where you are coming from.

Also, you need to meet each other now and then. Spend every other weekend together or catch up on your day offs. You need to spend quality time

together to make this relationship work. You need to see each other to still feel that passion for each other. You may feel intense anticipation for the

other and that’s what keeps the relationship going. You also need to find something that you both can do. You might want to have a game night where

you play each other online. You need to be able to do something that is fun and will keep your bond strong.

The most important thing that you need to do is surprise them. Bring them flowers and dinner in the middle of the week. Use your imagination to create

a romantic and wonderful surprise. Surprises are what keeps the relationship still interesting. Send each other care gifts and packages of your favorite


The worst thing that you can do in a long distance relationship is replace them and then pretend like nothing has changed. You cannot cheat in a long

distance relationship just so you can have sex. If you truly love them sex does not matter. You should take this type of relationship so lightly as to even

think that it’s not a real relationship.

When you do something, ask yourself if you would do it if they lived 20 minutes away. Also, do not accuse them of anything. If you can keep your

channels open, then you should be able to trust them. Also, talk about any negative things that you might be feeling. If you let the negative thought

overtake the relationship, the relationship will die.

When it comes to the relationship being long distance you have to think that it will only last as long as you want it to. If you honestly can not take being

away from them then you need to ask yourself if you love them enough to move. If you do then move to be closer to them, however, if you don’t, then you

might want to talk that out. Anything can be talked out and solved if you allow your partner to take the time to understand where you are coming from. If

you put the time and energy into a relationship, you will find that your love will grow and it will be stronger than ever.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

7 Effective Ways To Help A Wife Who Has Debt Problems

It all looked so easy in the situation comedies we grew up watching, whether it was “Leave it to Beaver,” “The Brady Bunch” or “Family Ties.” Women took care of the family and men took care of the money. Maybe, now and then, Mom would save up some money from the grocery allowance to buy herself a new hat, but the bills, the credit cards, the mortgage and everything else were Dad’s dominion.

But it’s a new world we live in, with women working full-time and taking care of their families, too, getting their own credit cards and paying their own way. But not everyone is good with money – and as more women take on credit card debt they can’t manage, more of them are also having to visit debt counselors and file for bankruptcy.

If you’ve married a woman with mounting debt, you may be torn as to what to do about it. On the one hand, you don’t want to put your foot down and act like you’re the big man in charge. But, on the other hand, debt affects you, your credit rating, and your family’s future. What’s the best way to handle a spouse with debt problems?

1) Look for problems early, and nip them in the bud.

Maybe you didn;t notice that she had money problems before you were married, but you should certainly be able to spot them once you’re living together. Spending might be a problem – does she have a lot of credit cards, and does she do a lot of shopping with them? This is a major red flag. Other things that can lead to financial disaster are medical bills or car repairs, or if she’s simply not bringing enough money into the relationship.

2) Don’t give in to societal pressure.

Many women are concerned with “keeping up with the Joneses” – having a gorgeous house, new furniture, a late-model car and all the other accouterments of success. Many couples live beyond their means because they want to give the impression of success, but it’s a sure-fire way to end up in debt.

3) Don’t be afraid to talk about money.

Many couples pool their money into one checking account, co-sign each other’s credit card applications and put their spouse’s name on the mortgage without ever bothering to talk about what it all means. If she knows that the debt problems are her fault, she may be hesitant to discuss it – and you don’t want to make her feel bad. But if there are problems, you both need to deal with them head-on, as a team.

4) If necessary, talk to a debt counselor.

Credit counselors offer low-cost, non-judgmental advice, and you can even talk to them over the phone if you feel embarrasses about meeting them face-to-face. Many credit counseling agencies offering a sliding fee scale, and charge just $5 or $10 a month for their service.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, this may be your best solution – especially if money troubles are causing you and your wife to argue incessantly over finances. Credit counselors see people in bad financial straits all the times, and their job is to help you work out your problems. You have nothing to lose by talking to a counselor, and everything to gain.

5) Make her take responsibility for her spending.

Sit down together with a pad of paper and a pencil, and look at where your money goes each month. Start with your income, then subtract what you spend on utilities, groceries, insurance, rent, gas for your car and other expenses. She may not actually know how little money is left over after all the essentials are taken care of.

Try a software program like Quicken and have her track her money by logging every expense, from her afternoon latte to those new shoes she just “had” to have. When she sees the evidence of her debt in black and white, she won’t be able to pretend that it’s not a problem.

6) Set goals together to pay down debt.

If she’s paying the minimum on her credit cards each month, she’s accumulating more debt rather than decreasing it because of the hefty interest. Make it a goal to pay more than the minimum and get out from under at least one credit card, and set a realistic goal as yo when you’ll do it.

Then cut up all of the store credit cards – if she doesn’t have the cash, then she can’t buy it. If she’s addicted to shopping, she’ll find this difficult, but it’s the only way to get out of debt.

7) Think twice before filing for bankruptcy.

It may sound like an appealing way out of debt – file for bankruptcy and have your debts erased. But in many cases you’ll still have to pay off the debts, usually in three to five years.

And a bankruptcy filing will remain on your credit report for up to 10 years, even if you’ve cleared all of your debt well before then, and can affect your ability to get jobs, insurance or future loans. It should only be considered a last resort.

The best way to deal with your wife’s debt is to talk about it and make a plan for the future. Dealing with money problems is never easy, but marriage is about teamwork – which means both of you have to take responsibility for your finances.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

If you are a man reading this, you need to pay attention! There are some things that you need to know so that you can find and KEEP a great relationship. You need to understand what women want to have in their ideal partner. This may be you but you may have to make some changes in your life and this list is going to help you do just that.

MEN Please Take Notes

1. You need to be a good listener. A woman wants to have a man in her life that listens to everything that she says. It is going to make her happy and you never know when you are going to learn something important. You need to make sure that you are paying attention and using your best intensions when she is talking to you. Be considerate and even if it is a subject that you have no interest in, pretend anyway!

2. Make sure that you are asking your girl the right questions. Take an interest in what she did that day. “ What did you do today?” or “ How was your day?” these are great questions to ask a woman because she is going to love telling you about it. Never tell her what to do or the right way that you believe to do something. You want to make sure that you are offering the right advice when it comes time to.

3. Do not give her advice on what to do all the time. She wants you to listen and not to give out instructions all the time. Yes, it is good to offer help and to give support when you are asked. However do not push your opinions on her and certainly do not let her think that your way is always the right way no matter how tempting it may be.

4. Make good eye contact with her. When she walks into a room, pay attention! Let her know that she looks great and that you are appreciating the way that she takes the time to make herself look great for you. She will love the fact that you are taking the time to pay attention to her and looking at her eyes and not at everything else. That is for later!

5. Make sure that you are telling her that you love her. You need to give her affection. Every woman wants to have affection from her man. This is going to make her feel loved and special and why wouldn’t you want to do this? Giving her love and appreciation will make it all seem worthwhile and she will love you more for it and it will put her in a better mood too. What man does not want to put his girl in a better mood? The better her mood usually means that better your mood will be.

6. Spending time with the girl is very important. You do not always have to do what you want to do. Make sure that you are taking an interest in what makes her happy. This may mean that you have to do certain things that you would not normally do but you have to think ahead. When you are doing thing that she likes, you will be making her happy and you may end up liking it too.

7. Actions are a great way to make a woman feel good. Touch her hand and hug her at any given moment. Show her that you are affectionate towards her. Do nice thing for her when she is least expecting it. She will defiantly appreciate this. You want to surprise her with little things when you can. Women love this type of thing even it is something as simple as flowers or candy from time to time. You can also give her a back rub at night when she has had a hard day. She will defiantly appreciate this.

Learning the right tools is going to be the key factor in your relationship with a woman. You need to make sure that you are giving her all the attention that you can so that you are letting her know that she is important and how she feels does matter to you.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

10 Secret Techniques To Make Your Partner Want To Have More Sex With You

A relationship is very involved, both on the physical and the intimate levels. One person may feel the need to cuddle (such as your woman) while you on the other hand, don’t want to be too close after you are relaxed, and feeling completely satisfied.

What you are going to find is that there are many things that are going to make your partner want to have more sex with you, and sometimes you are going to have to give a little, so you can get a lot more back in return.

1) Think about sex, and tell her you are thinking about sex, even if it is over the phone

What you may not realize is that women are going to think about sex more than you want to realize. A woman is going think about how you talked to her, how you kissed her, and how you rubbed your whiskers on her cheek the night before. Your partner is going to want to have more sex, the more they are thinking about sex, and the more often you tell her that she is sexy. Make an intimate call. Tell your partner all about what you want to do to her, and how you want to do it, and then let her think about that all day until she gets to see you again!

2) Spending a few minutes alone, in the dark, as you listen to music

You might find it a little boring, but sometimes all you need to do, to get more sex in your life is feel a little closer, to put the hurried portions of the day behind you and just listen to a little music. Not many couples sit back, relax and just listen to music. Sometimes music is going to be very sexy, putting you or your partner, or both of you in the mood at the same time. Instead of just climbing into bed, and watching the news or the late show, you should turn on a bit of your favorite music and sit close with your partner.

3) Take a shower before you come and cuddle up close to your partner

Women are often turned on by the smell of cologne, or by the smell of soap. In taking a shower every night before you climb into bed, no matter how tired you are, you are creating a memory in her mind, of the clean smell she loves the most. Use this smell and the need to be close to you for your own advantage, so you can have more sex, more often. Sexual attractions are very strong, and if you are not using your natural abilities to attract your partner, you very well could be losing out on a good bit of good sex.

4) Baby your partner for a while, stroking, petting and being beside her

Don’t be afraid to play around and lick her neck. The worst thing that could happen is you fall asleep in each others arms, and you get a little more sex in the morning when she is refreshed from a good nights sleep – because she will remember what you want and what you felt like when she fell asleep in your arms. You will get more in the morning as she is sleeping well at night!

5) Don’t be passing gas or burping before you climb into bed

You don’t want to be the man in front of your partner. She doesn’t want to see, hear or smell anything like that; it is not going to be a turn on. If you want to have more sex in your life, and bring your relationship closer as you are more intimate more often, pass on the beans, pass on the garlic, and be sweet smelling, and loveable – she will cuddle right up next to you more often!

6) Bring her a glass of wine at bedtime, and leave the lights on low

You might not realize it but all she wants is a little time, just five minutes to unwind and your partner will be ready for a little alone time with you. Bring her a glass of wine, tea, or just water as she unwinds and gets ready for bed. You will be thoughtful and insightful and she will remember these small things as you reach over and kiss her. Your partner just loves being the center of attention and this doesn’t take much added energy at all on your part so you should give it a try!

7) Offer her a quick massage, nothing fancy or too long, just a brief rub down

You might not realize it, but the feel of your hands, on her back, and on her chest is going to make a woman feel good. If you want to put more sex into your relationship, you should show your partner a little foreplay, a little extra care. A woman is going to be turned on as you touch the small of her back, the inside of her breast – and why? Because no one ever touches her in those places except for you, and with this touch you are going to excite her more often, showing her that you are intimate and that you want to pleasure her every need. You don’t even have to rub her hard, or touch her that long, just the soft gentle touches that show you are close to her will relay the message quite clearly.

8) Get in the shower with her, and let her see your hard on

She likes to get in the shower and take a good long hot shower, and this is your opportunity to get in on the action. Slide into the shower, and rub her down with the soap. As you lather her up, rub up against her and let her feel how hard you are. You don’t have to have sex in the shower, just put her in the mood so she will be turned on and looking for action when she gets out of the shower. You surely already know what cologne is going to drive her crazy, so if you were to shower and put a little on, she is going to get turned on, and want you, even if she doesn’t consciously know it. Taking a shower is not only going to freshen you up, but it is going to wake you up and your partner at the same time.

9) Talk sweetly and quietly so you don’t wake the children

The little things you say will get you a long way when it comes to getting more sex. If you tell your partner just how much you love her, how pretty she is, or how much you feel that she is a special part of your day, the better she is going to feel about your relationship. As she feels sexier, she is going to want you more. As she feels happier, she is going to offer herself to you more often. You can get a long way with a partner when you are whispering goodies in her ear, and all without waking the children!

10) Don’t just jump in bed, but slide into bed close to your partner and be next to her

Slide into bed; slide right next to your partner. Jumping into bed, and making a ruckus is going to make your presence known but you are also going to annoy your partner a little more often. You want to be comfortable, and make your partner comfortable, so carefully climb into bed and get close. As you are sitting close with your partner, stroking her skin, and feeling her next to you, both of your are going to be more aroused.

You will feel closer to each other and you will end up having sex more often. You can make this a habit, and when you see she is in bed with the music on, you are going to be in for a bit of sex again tonight. The trick here is to make it too bed, and not to sleep on the couch or on the recliner in the living room.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Love Your Wife Unconditionally

It is hard to find love and unconditional love at that. It can sometimes be hard to find someone who you can love unconditional. When you love unconditionally, you love the person no matter what. The first step to being in a healthy marriage is being in a love filled married. For you to love your wife unconditionally you first have to like who you are. For you to give love, you have to be satisfied with yourself. If you are not satisfied with who you are, then you will have insecure that get in the way of your marriage and relationship. Loving unconditionally may be every hard for some because they cannot love themselves. Insecurities can put a lot of wear and tear into the relationship.

The next step to loving unconditionally is finding your beliefs. You have to have a spiritual feelings towards something. Regardless of what religion that you pursue, you should be able to find strength, support, and a higher feeling when you believe in something. When you believe in something bigger than yourself you are able to see all the things that are right in front of you. You will be able to see all of those who care and love you. You will also be able to recognize that love and give it back. You will be able to feel love and to send others love.

For you to be in a relationship that is unconditionally filled with love you have to find someone who you think you could love for the rest of your life. You need to find someone who you have a true connection to. However, loving unconditionally does not mean that you give into everything. Some things that your mate will do will be devastating to your marriage. Rather it be stealing money from you, having an affair, or just doing things that aren’t appropriate for married couples, you may find that you love has it’s limits. When it comes to betrayal or deceit, they are two exceptions. Loving unconditionally means that your wife can crash your pickup and you don’t get upset for the pickup sake. It’s about still caring for her when she burns dinner or gains five pounds, if you can love without concern to change then you can love unconditionally.

There are no steps to love. You can’t learn how to love unconditionally. You just love. A lot of people will step into a marriage blindly, but they were just in love. Sometimes it works out and some times it doesn’t. So how do you know the different between love and lust? Love and lust have a thin line dividing them. Love is when you’d do and say anything to have that person in your life. Lust is when you’d say or do anything to be “close” to them. When you have figured out that you are in love you have to ask yourself a question. Could you allow her to destroy your prized possessions and not think twice about them? Could you move across the country for them? Would you support their every move? If you can then you already love unconditionally.

To love unconditionally you have to be completely open and honest. You have to let the person see who you are and allow them to accept you. You have to be willing to express your ideas and your feelings to this person. You have to be free of all insecurities to be completely in love. To love unconditionally you have to be completely honest with your wife and with yourself. You cannot have any hidden agenda or motives. You need to be in the relationship because you need to be around the person, not because you think it might make you whole or that you might get ahead with your career. Love is not something you learn, it’s just something that you do.

It’s hard to love and trust someone, but without trust you’ll never be able to love. You need to take inconsideration of their thoughts, needs, and feelings so that you can be the ultimate support system (even if you are against the idea). In addition, you need to learn how to love yourself. You will never learn how to love if you can’t look in a mirror in accept yourself. How can your wife accept you, if you cannot? You have to get the thought of making yourself love unconditionally. You either do or do not. To find out if you truly love them unconditionally, you have to think of some of the most horrible situations and then ask yourself would you care about the situation or her.

It means to be fully present, in every single moment. To be fully aware. To be fully open, honest, transparent. It means to be fully willing, to express the love that is in your heart full out. To be fully loving means to be fully naked, without hidden agenda or hidden motive, without hidden anything.

And you say that it is possible for human beings, for regular people like me, to achieve such love? This is something of which we are all capable?

It is more than that of which you are capable. It is that which you are. This is the nature of Who You Are. The most difficult thing that you do is to deny that. And you are doing this difficult thing every day. It is why your life feels so difficult. Yet when you do the easy thing, when you decide to come from, to be, Who You Really Are - which is pure love, unlimited and unconditioned-then your life becomes easy again. All the turmoil disappears, all the struggle goes away.

This peace may be achieved in any given moment. The way to it may be found by asking a simple question:

What would love do now?

This is a marvelous question, because you will always know the answer. It is like magic. It is cleansing, like a soap. It takes the worry out of being close. It washes away all doubt, all fear. It bathes the mind with the wisdom of the soul.

What a good way of putting that.

It is true. When you ask this question, you will know instantly what to do. In any circumstance, under any condition, you will know. You will be given the answer. You are the answer, and asking the question brings forth that part of you.

Do not second-guess this answer when it instantly comes to you. When you second-guess is when you fool yourself - and can make a fool of yourself. Go into the heart of love, and come from that place in all your choices and decisions, and you will find peace.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

When You Are Not the First: How to Love a Woman
Who Has Been Engaged
by Cucan Pemo

It’s a fact of life – you’re not the first man that your lady friend has been involved with. In many cases, she may have even considered marriage with a past beau, taken his engagement ring and headed for the altar before realizing that he wasn’t The One.

If so, you may be feeling a little insecure, wondering if that man was truly the love of her life and if she’s really ready to make a commitment to you now.

The truth is, you stand a much better chance of having a happy relationship with a woman who’s been serious with someone else before you. There are things about being in a relationship that people can only know from experience – both good and bad. How to compromise, for example, and how much actual work has to go into a long-term relationship to make it thrive

If she’s headed toward marriage once but changed her mind, she probably had a very good reason. So ask her why it didn’t work out – rather than sulk and feel jealous, use this as an opportunity to find out what she learned from the experience.

She may have felt that her previous fiancĂ© was too clingy, or maybe he was bad with money. Her reasons for not marrying someone else will reveal not only what she wants from a marriage, but what she doesn’t want from you – things she may be nervous about saying outright, for fear of hurting your feelings.

If the broken engagement wasn’t her idea, she’ll very likely be skittish about you, and about how serious you are regarding the relationship. “Once bitten, twice shy” is a fact of life, and she might be harboring fears that you’ll leave her at some point, too.

She may have self-esteem issues related to the event, and feel that’s she’s not good looking enough or lovable enough to earn a lifetime commitment. If this is the case, you’ll need to be extremely supportive, loving, affectionate and complimentary.

Whether she was the one who terminated her previous engagement or not, she’s going to want to be very sure that you’re someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with before she commits. So you’ll want to take a good, long look at yourself and your behavior to ensure that you’re trustworthy. Part of that means keeping your word – showing up on time for dates, telling her the truth about who you see and what you do when you’re not with her, and staying faithful during the length of your relationship.

Women give honesty a high priority, especially when considering a mate. Be someone she knows she can trust – and that means really being trustworthy, not just putting on a convincing act – and you’re halfway home.

But being trustworthy is also about her allowing herself to entrust you with her emotions. Don’t play jealousy games, talking about other women that you find attractive just to feel more “loved” when she gets jealous.

Listen to what she tells you, really listen, and make sure she knows you care about what she has to say. Examine the way you talk to her, and note if you ever talk down to her as if she’s less intelligent than you are, or if you criticize appearance or her behavior all the time.

If so, she’s not going to feel safe with you – add that to the feelings she may still harbor over her failed engagement, and you’re not making yourself a very appealing prospect. On the plus side, a woman who has been serious enough about a man to consider marriage has experience in developing a long-term relationship. What you’ll gain from this is a partner who knows what she wants, and probably has no problem expressing it.

If she deems you worthy of her trust, she’ll give you her entire heart and be a faithful, loving spouse if you two tie the knot.

The key, as mentioned above, is to talk about what went wrong the first time – whether it was money problems, disagreements over whether to have children, family issues, a substance abuse problem or simply a realization that they weren’t right for each other, understanding the reason for the break-up will be educational, allowing you to judge whether you and she are a better fit, and what she expects from a serious relationship.

She’ll appreciate the fact that you want to understand her better, and you’ll gain from the insight into her past.

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